LibraAI Model

Sequoia Libra delves into verticals such as water management, firefighting, carbon neutrality, etc., focusing on developing the next generation of vertical models. Creating LibraAI+ water management, LibraAI+ firefighting, LibraAI+ carbon neutrality products

LibraAI, a billion-level water management model, integrates "intelligent robots" to introduce an AI product capable of multimodal human-machine interaction. It serves as the "smart brain" for water management decisions, empowered by a comprehensive model ecosystem and full technical support.

  • Intelligentization
  • Unmannedization
  • Professionalization
  • Customization

LibraAI Water Management Model + Inspection Robot

The LibraAI Water Management Model and Detection Robot have been deployed in five major sewage treatment plants, including Xinyi and Hulan, reducing water quality alarms and cutting electricity and chemical costs by 30%.

LibraAI Water Management Model + Inspection Robot empowers the water management industry, offering users features such as comprehensive parameter detection, expert Q&A, alarm decision-making, predictive alerts, intelligent dosing, and precise aeration. Through automated parameter testing and operational capability enhancement, it drives efficiency transformation in water plants.

  • Process Automation
  • Precision Detection
  • Data Assetization
  • Decision Intelligence

Libra Carbon Neutrality

The LibraAI Water Management Model and Detection Robot have been deployed in five major sewage treatment plants, including Xinyi and Hulan, reducing water quality alarms and cutting electricity and chemical costs by 30%.

Fuxi Carbon Benefit serves as a one-stop trading platform for carbon assets, aiming to facilitate convenient and efficient trading of diverse carbon asset products for more enterprises and individuals. Utilizing AI+ satellite remote sensing DMRV technology, we establish high-quality carbon emission reduction project standards, reducing project investment risks.

  • Government resources
  • Innovative technology
  • Trading platform
  • Industry chain

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